Sunday 31 December 2017

What To Do If You Can't Sleep - 15 Tip For Better Sleep

A few nights ago, I had a dilemma – should I start watching a 2-hour movie, although I know that I should be sleeping in an hour? I decided that I will watch just a half of the movie, and I will watch the rest the next day. Great plan, isn’t it?

The movie turned out to be so interesting, that I couldn’t stop watching. Eventually, I turned off the TV 15 minutes after my bedtime. I closed my eyes and I kept thinking about the movie. Wondering how it will end.

I tried not to think and just fall asleep, but it just only got worse. Do you know that feeling, when you want to sleep so badly, but your brain recalls all possible memories and makes you think about them all at once?

Sunday 10 December 2017

How To Use Essential Oils

Some time ago I discovered natural essential oils. I saw those small bottles here and there sometimes, I even had one long time ago, but now I know that it definitely wasn’t a natural essential oil. Now when I know what I should buy and how to use it - I use them almost every day.

Sunday 3 December 2017

The Challenge Book: The Item Of The Day

This month's chapter of The Challenge Book is for those who like collectibles. It reminds me a little bit of a quest in a game. Each challenge contains an object that you'll need to find. Sometimes it will be easy, some items you can find in your house, like a bottle cap. But sometimes you'll have to make a little bit of an effort to complete the task, for example getting a napkin from a restaurant.